Wednesday 25 September 2013

Brainiac Science Abuse - Popcorn Popping In Slow Motion

 Today we have been investigating what happens if we heat a piece of corn.  We found out that the corn turns inside out, because of the heat and the moisture that is trying to escape. The best bit about our experiment was eating the popcorn!


Last week, we used cornflour and water to make ooblek.  We examined what happened when we stirred the mixture quickly & slowly, when we squeezed the mixture, when we let it drip through our fingers.  It was a really strange experience.  We found out that it was all because of the shape molecules that the corn flour is made from - it is a bit like quicksand! The faster or harder you mix the liquid, the shape of the molecules, means that the liquid 'locks up' and turns into a solid.

This was such a fun experiment! And definitely one that you can try at home - but outside!

books, books, books

Room 6 have been reading crazy this year! Miss Rhodes found a fun game to play to celebrate books....

Pick up the nearest book to you.
Turn to page 52.
Find the 5th sentence and write it down.
Don't write the title of the book down.

When we visited our school library today, we did this.  Below are some of the sentences we found. Can you guess which book they are from?

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Library Visit

last week room6 went to the library. Vanessa  was talking about graphic  books and we all had to choose a book  with some words and lots of pictures   then she read us some books i liked the one in the picture the most. By ZiCO

cupcake day

On Monday 26 August Room 6 and 9 iced and decorated about 250 cupcakes. We raised $127.00 for the SPCA.  It was great fun.  We really enjoyed eating the cakes.  

by Scarlett and Francesca .

ICT with Room 8

On Monday, Room 8 came to the middle syndicate to teach us how to use different apps and programs. They also brought along the ipads and used the Interactive White boards.   We found out about keynote, skooville, comic life, ipads, beebots and stikz.

geometry and measurement

today Tom and Cam came up to room6. And told us about 3d shapes. AAnd they brought a big cube with them  that they had made out of metre sticks.


  We made 3d shapes. We used straws to construct shapes. We made cubes, pyramids, cones, triangular prisims. After we made  our shape  pictures  we coloured  it in.