Wednesday 30 October 2013

Room 6 girls singing group

Three girls from Room 6 practised for many days to sing this song in assembly.  All of Room 6 were very proud of them, to have the courage to perform in front of the whole school.  Well done girls.

Assembly Presentation - Book Facts

We presented our Book Fact posters in assembly.  Miss Rhodes recorded our presentation.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Science Experiments Chromatography

Telling the time

This week, room 6 have been practising telling the time.  They have been focusing on half past the hour and elapsed time.  You could use this link at home to play the games to help you practise.
Games that teach us to tell the time

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Brainiac Science Abuse - Popcorn Popping In Slow Motion

 Today we have been investigating what happens if we heat a piece of corn.  We found out that the corn turns inside out, because of the heat and the moisture that is trying to escape. The best bit about our experiment was eating the popcorn!


Last week, we used cornflour and water to make ooblek.  We examined what happened when we stirred the mixture quickly & slowly, when we squeezed the mixture, when we let it drip through our fingers.  It was a really strange experience.  We found out that it was all because of the shape molecules that the corn flour is made from - it is a bit like quicksand! The faster or harder you mix the liquid, the shape of the molecules, means that the liquid 'locks up' and turns into a solid.

This was such a fun experiment! And definitely one that you can try at home - but outside!

books, books, books

Room 6 have been reading crazy this year! Miss Rhodes found a fun game to play to celebrate books....

Pick up the nearest book to you.
Turn to page 52.
Find the 5th sentence and write it down.
Don't write the title of the book down.

When we visited our school library today, we did this.  Below are some of the sentences we found. Can you guess which book they are from?

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Library Visit

last week room6 went to the library. Vanessa  was talking about graphic  books and we all had to choose a book  with some words and lots of pictures   then she read us some books i liked the one in the picture the most. By ZiCO

cupcake day

On Monday 26 August Room 6 and 9 iced and decorated about 250 cupcakes. We raised $127.00 for the SPCA.  It was great fun.  We really enjoyed eating the cakes.  

by Scarlett and Francesca .

ICT with Room 8

On Monday, Room 8 came to the middle syndicate to teach us how to use different apps and programs. They also brought along the ipads and used the Interactive White boards.   We found out about keynote, skooville, comic life, ipads, beebots and stikz.

geometry and measurement

today Tom and Cam came up to room6. And told us about 3d shapes. AAnd they brought a big cube with them  that they had made out of metre sticks.


  We made 3d shapes. We used straws to construct shapes. We made cubes, pyramids, cones, triangular prisims. After we made  our shape  pictures  we coloured  it in.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Cross contrey

 Yesterday we  did  our  cross country race with room5.We ran around the outside of the school three times.Grace and Luther won and we all were very proud of our selfs

by scarlett :

Monday 17 June 2013



By Luther

Getting ready for the art exhibition

We have been working on the art exhibition.  We did our flowers we put lights into it we're also trying to do vases we've only painted them its awesome! We've also been doing this thing where you colour in a quarter of a circle and then you put them all together and makes a circle . We are also doing these bags that we painted and put letters on them like save the sea! and stuff like that you will see our stuff at the art exhibition thanks for reading by Zico!  

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Going to the dump

At the dump we saw a giant truck sweeping trash into a pile. The pile was really stinky and dirty. The second hand shop was full with stuff from the dump. And there was can, bottles and plastic bags. And there birds nest. And I saw a egg, a T.V, a chair and a new mattress.

By Luther

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Fun with angles

Today we played with the beebots to teach us about angles. The beebots are robots that we can program to make 1/4 or 1/2 or full turns. They can go backwards and forwards too. We used the beebots to learn about right angles in shapes such as squares and rectangles.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

macro photography

We have been learning how to take a photo using the macro setting on the camera. Can you guess what any of these things are?

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Cross country

Today  we  did cross  country. We ran once around
a big park.We were tired but proud. By Scarlett, Esme & Keira

Wednesday 10 April 2013

the sea

Room 6 have learning about the sea and the cost and the life under the sea  and the rubbish ,does not belong in the sea we should try to pick up all the Rubbish  and keep our sea clean and safe  . by charity  keira

Wednesday 3 April 2013


We've been learning about probability.  We played coin and cube games.  The games were games of chance.  
By Thomas & Xavier.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Student Council Representative

A big congratulations to Emma who was elected the Class Representative for Room 6 today!
We had a really interesting morning, each child gave their speech, explaining why they were the best person for the job! We then had a private ballot session.  We showed use of lots of the Kilbirnie School values during this time - Confident speakers, Achieving, Respectful behaviour and Empathy for the children that were not elected.  Well done Room 6, I was really proud of your grown up behaviour this morning - and especially those of you that instantly applauded Emma, despite maybe feeling disappointed yourselves! As always Room 6, you are awesome!!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

jelly fish

Hey Room 6, another great day today!

Have you had a look at home for a plastic bottle yet? When you have found one, bring it to school with your name written on the bottom.

Here are the jelly fish instructions - BUT DON'T MAKE IT YET!! We will do it together at school.

It's a very exciting project - we will be recycling and re-using too! (I think that will be a great help to our sea - creatures!)

Tuesday 19 March 2013

School Council

Hey Room 6
Don't forget that today is the last day for you to nominate yourself for our school council.  If you haven't given your form to Ms Johnstone yet, then make sure you do it by the end of Thursday 21st March.

Next week we will be having our speech day - we will talk more about this at school in the week. 

See you on Thursday
Miss Rhodes

Thursday 14 March 2013

Data data data...

What a busy day we had today Room 6. It was amazing watching you work as a team to process and collate the data that we had collected from our Kilbirnie School Census. I thought it would take us all day to count and collect the information, but you were so focused and involved in what you were doing that it was finished by morning tea time! Amazing! It was interesting trying to find ways to overcome the stumbling blocks that we encountered wasn't it? We learned a lot about the huge job that it must be for the team at Statistics NZ.

Now we have our data, we need to decide how we are going to present it and analyse it. 

Wednesday 6 March 2013


Room 6 - YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great video Room 6! I enjoyed that we turned this into a learning experience - using the knowledge of dance that we have begun to learn with Rachel in our dance & drama sessions, plus, thinking carefully about something that represents ourselves!

Most importantly, we had such good fun and we definitely showed one of our Kilbirnie School values - Confidence!

Monday 4 March 2013

Census Day

Hey Room 6


Have you filled in your census form?

Don't forget that we are doing our own census on Thursday and also we have our dance and drama video performance on Thursday!

See you then,

Miss Rhodes

Tuesday 26 February 2013


Welcome to our blog Room 6.  Do you remember what your homework task is for the week?

Here's a quick reminder,

Leave a comment explaining:

1) What would you like to see on our blog?
2) How do you think that we should get our class & other visitors to look at our page?

Don't forget, the person with the most unique or creative ideas, will get to design our new voki!

Here is our QR code - perhaps you could explain this to your family?
